Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tips how to organize effective school fundraisers events

This article compares different common school fundraisers and finds that it would often be more effective to directly donate money to schools.
However, they identified three promising fundraiser ideas: Walkathon, Scrib, and Just Ask.

Read the full article here


  1. Hey! This is a good read. I will be looking forward to visit your page again and for your other posts as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about online school fundraising in your area. I'm glad to stop by your site and know more about online school fundraising.
    Other school fundraisers that generate substantial revenue for schools include auctions and raffles. With these types of fundraising activities, the school requests donations from local restaurants and businesses in their area, that are then offered at the event. In the case of an auction, people are allowed to bid on the dinner, limousine ride, or whatever was donated by the local businesses in the community. In the case of a raffle, people purchase raffle tickets that are then later picked randomly from a container. Often the donations are solicited by parents acting on behalf of the school, who make phone calls, write letters, or know of other parents who work for companies who may be willing to donate.
    Auction Fundraisers are discovering the power of anytime, anywhere auctions to dramatically improve the way they raise money.

  2. Those sound like some really cool ideas. I've been trying to plan a fundraiser for my daughters school. I think it would just be something fun that all the kids can do. I'll definitely be sure to keep this article in mind while I set up this fundraiser.

  3. I've really enjoyed reading this article, thanks for sharing! I've recently discovered Tony Charalambides fundraising blog - you should check it out!
